Replying to LO26528 --
In a message dated 4/19/01 4:17:26 PM GMT Daylight Time, writes:
> The poor believe that all art has value and that the rich will buy a lot. But
> the rich buy only a few works of art at staggering prices as an investment.
> Clearly, the poor and the rich live in two different mental worlds. Yet they
> live in one and the same physical world. Somehow there is an pathetic
> break in the communication between the poor and the rich. What does it
> mean? Is art on the way out for good? Have we reached the stage where
> art has no role to play any more in our learning and knowledge?
Dear At,
My senses tell me we stand at a crossroads in the role of human creativity
in all of this. My senses also tell me that more and more sensible and
connected leaders in business are wakening to the finding of a 'high
purpose' via the practice of art in the widest sense as you have often
among others described it. They are some patterns I see emerging among
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