Public Sector Learning Organizations LO26545

From: Peggy Stuart (
Date: 04/19/01

Hi all:

As I have seen others wishing information on learning organizations in the
public sector, I thought I would pass this URL along to everyone. At this site, you
will also find the report "A public service learning organization: from
coast to coast to coast"

The introduction states:

"This document and the accompanying policy discussion paper are about
learning. They are about a collective commitment by leaders and managers
at all levels to move the Public Service of Canada toward becoming a model
learning organization, committed to lifelong learning. They are a call to
action. We encourage public servants to read these documents and act on
their recommendations."


Peggy Stuart, MBA (Finally!)
Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology

"The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it is opened"

[Host's Note: Congratulations, Peggy! ..Rick]


Peggy Stuart <>

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