Replying to LO26494 --
Hi Roy et al:
"The Burke-Litwin model serves as a guide not only for organizational
diagnosis, but also for planned, managed organizational change. In the
model, the variables of strategy, leadership, and culture have more weight
than the variables of structure, management practice, and systems."
For more information, see:
Title: Diagnostic models for organization development.
Author(s): Burke, W. Warner;
Source: Howard, Ann. (1994). Diagnosis for organizational change: Methods
and models. The professional practice series. (pp. 53-84). New York, NY, US:
The Guilford Press, xvi, 299 pp.
ISSN/ISBN: 0-89862-480-0 (hardcover)
Abstract: (chapter) examine the ways that organizational models can help us
and hinder us / describe and evaluate several organizational models,
concentrating on those that primarily serve diagnostic purposes, especially
for organization development (OD) / define and explain the Burke-Litwin
model of organizational performance and change / purpose . . . is to provide
a deeper understanding of diagnostic models for OD / cover some pros and
cons of the more prominent models (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2000 APA,
all rights reserved)
--Peggy Stuart <>
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