The title of the book is "Learning Organization In Practice." by Pearn,
M., Roderic, C. aand Mulrooney, C. (1995). Published in the U.K:
>From: Richard Webster <>
>Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 17:18:42 -0500
>Salleha -
>I too am looking for assessments for LOs. I had not heard of "The
>Learning Audit" by Micheal Pearn. Is it a book, chapter, what? Complete
>citation please: full title, publisher, year of publication -- so I can
>find it on the net or at the library.
>And do you also have a full citation for "Micheal, Roderick and Mulrooney
>(1995): 'LO in Practice'"?
>Have you learned of other LO assessments since your inquiry last year?
>One recently published is Anthony J. DiBella. _Learning Practices:
>Assessment and Action for Organizational Improvement_.
>Prentice-Hall--2001. A book in what is now the "Prentice-Hall OD
>Series," edited by Ed Schein (MIT Emeritus) and the late Richard
>Beckhard (d. 12/28/99). Tony DiBella includes a two-part
>"Organizational Learning Inventory." This is quite comprehensive and
>may be helpful to you.
--"Salleha A.Kahar" <>
[Host's Note: Thanks for the followup, Salleha and Richard. In assoc w/
Learning Practices: Assessment and Action for Organizational Improvement by Anthony J. Dr. Dibella (Tony's other works have been superb and I'm sure this is a very good text. ..Rick)
Learning Organization In Practice." by Pearn, M., Roderic, C. aand Mulrooney (Not listed by Amazon in the US.)
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