Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood. LO26568

From: Sajeela M ramsey (
Date: 04/23/01

Replying to LO26539 --

Thanks so much for your aknowledgement ---- it makes a HUGE difference
even if only one person is able to see what it takes to move beyond one's
social conditionings, particularly because it means you are willing to
give up an exclusive position of power and a life of being one-up.
peaceful morning and birds singing in the trees,


On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 23:49:19 -0700 "Richard Holloway"
<> writes:

> Was "botherhood" intentional, Sajeela? A freudian slip?
> I'm with you, though, and glad you challenged the "brotherhood"
> word.

Sajeela Moskowitz Ramsey: President, Core Consulting
Center for Organizational Renewal and Effectiveness
Senior OD Consultant/Culture Generalist
2432 Villanova Drive/Vienna, VA. 22180
703 573 7050/ SajeelaCore


Sajeela M ramsey <>

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