Resistance to Change LO26920 -Free online mini-assessment

From: Alan Cotterell (
Date: 07/01/01

Replying to LO23863 --

I have tried the 'free online miniassessment' and my comments are as

I suggest many people do not realise that when they try to 'change an
organisation', what they are doing is changing the paradigm. However the
paradigm exists both within and external to the organisation.

My suggestion has been for a move towards a 'risk management paradigm',
particularly in the areas of Operational Risk (Quality, safety,
Environment, Security). The problem has been that there were previously
no management system standards such as ISO9000, ISO14000, AS4801 (OHSAS
18001), AS4444. Also the Australian Standard on Risk Management AS4360
did not exist until about four years ago, and there is no other similar
national or international standard in the world. The are still no
international Management System Standards on Health & Safety or Security,
and the deveopment of these standards is actually opposed by the US
(ANSI), due to lobbying and cynicism in the US in particular.

When you work in an organisation and are faced with this lack of
standardised approach, it's very difficult to implement a change without
writing extensive guidelines, in fact the whole management system.

Your test only considers the internal factors, and I suggest this is its
shortcoming. The test seems to suggest that you can possibly implement a
permanent change without implementing a documented management system and
auditing it, I don't think this is true.

Another factor which the test doesn't consider is determination, and I've
got plenty. I've been trying all of my working life to get a
participative risk managed environment in the workplace (and elsewhere),
and I've actually had some success.

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


"Alan Cotterell" <>

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