Here's part of a conversation I was having some space else. It sets up the
question to you - what methods do you use when a company needs some
extreme unlearning of poor behavioiurs before it can go forward, and in
particular do you have any stories that fit the format of Slides from
>From Chris Macrae
>I agree that there is an occasional need to future shock complacent top
>managers et al - never quite know how to present it.
In my own work that aims to get companies improve organisation-wide
participation in marketing, the nearest I get is a collection I call
"Slides from Hell". Each tells a story (real but disguised) of
extraordinary unintelligent or political behaviours inside a company. The
idea of a slide from hell is that if it applies to your company then
everyone may have to change a lot of what they think and do, literally
revolt turn the system upside down that has conditioned the behaviours.
I'm always trying to expand my colection of slides from hell to connect
with folies seen from other expert perspectives. I'm sure dotcom world
must be one of several newly rich sources
From: Robert McGinnis
Chris, This was in my drafts....
Shocking organisational interventions is just part of the evolutionary
process. The Darwinian view does recognize that change may be
uncomfortable, threatening and downright scary. Sometimes it takes an
extreme view to shock us to our senses. Just look at the work of Ayn Rand.
Sometimes a good rant is just what some people need to wake up. Chris
Locke of rants and raves, but this is a technique that
he admittedly developed over time, when he got feed up with the hear no
evil attitude of his IBM managers. Here is another perspective from a
Harvard Business school professor, who addresses the fear factor in the
workplace. I do believe that companies of the future will be more like
what Locke describes as a human community rather that a corporate
community of one. Business are quickly learning how to partner and tap
into the intellectual assets that extend beyone their four walls. The
functional silos of Hierarchal organizational structures are
IN RECENT YEARS, HARVARD Business School professor Clayton Christensen has
gained a reputation for his work on "disruptive innovations"¡Xproducts or
systems that create entirely new markets. His first book, The Innovator's
Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Harvard Business
School Press, 1997), was named the best business book of 1997 by The
Financial Times and Booz, Allen & Hamilton, and remains a stalwart in
CIO's Reading Room.
--"Chris Macrae" <>
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