Charles L. Fred's Breakaway.. LO26944

From: Chris Macrae (
Date: 07/05/01

Replying to LO26924 --

Gerrit - Breakaway looks interesting from your intro, yet when I clicked
to the web I couldnt quickly understand what it is.

So I posted the following message in Breakaway's Board. More generally if
other people have fast learning methods that they would be happy to
explain to a novice like me, I'd love to hear from you and of them

chris macrae, email

How does a company's knowledge systems interact with Breakaway's method? I
ask the question and would also like to rehearse my viewpoint of the type
of knowledge that is vital (as someone who uses companies' major brands to
summarise what different information people across an organisation openly
need to know, act on and share).

My philosophy is summed up by:
1) in our net age, people can't increase their productivity unless the
company's most valuable knowledge is simply focused and open

2) you need to rehearse what scope and sort of information flow is most
valuable as a people to people thing before you get into the issue of so we
need a lot of technology to support this

3) by modelling the brand as the glue to how your company uniquely
develops relationship capital with all its stakeholders (and how it
creates communal win-wins between them), you can get deep insights as to
what information needs to be opened up organisation-wide to link
departments, business units, hierarchy or any other groups of people who
are liable to create information gaps unless they are communally inspired
by a common promise/purpose

My next book is on part 3 -

My mid 1990s book "Brand Chartering - how brand organisations learn living
scripts" explains how to action the rest

We are currently building a network to support Chief Intangibles Officers
whose shared vision is "We want to develop a more productive world where
we build relationships that people value, with brands you trust, where
employees feel good to work and branding is not a dirty word. Join us in
this exploration". We have a desperate neet to connect our work with fast
organisational learning methods etc

chris macrae
Chief Brand Officer Association, Founding Group

> At the e-learning Expo (Amsterdam, June 26, 27) Charles L. Fred held a
> great presentation on the research findings of his book 'Breakaway. Using
> speed and expertise to deliver value to customers'.

> "Gerrit Visser" <>


"Chris Macrae" <>

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