What is an Operational Definition? LO27075

From: Don Dwiggins (d.l.dwiggins@computer.org)
Date: 07/27/01

Replying to LO27032 --

Winfried writes:
> In my mind, ordinary organizations - as a concept - could be 'cooked' with
> a recipe like procedure and those organizations are (at least
> theoretically) repeatable. Not so learning organizations as I do
> understand the concept. They are unique, they are as unique as the people
> and communities within.

> Cooking is 'authentic' when the cook is able to create a unique meal.

To me at least, a major difference between a recipe and an algorithm is
precisely the need for creativity in the former. Reread At's recipe for
sosaties and check out the many parts that appeal to your culinary
essentialities. Possibly another way to tell a LO would be that it (they)
can "cook a meal" from the same recipe hundreds of times, and never come
up with exactly the same dish twice.

By the way, Alexander made the same point about applying design patterns.
Software people, beginning to study patterns, often get very worked up
over whether a piece of code is an example of pattern X or of Y.
Eventually, they figure out that the question is wrong.

Bon appetit,


Don Dwiggins "Season to taste..." d.l.dwiggins@computer.org

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