Dear Organlearners,
I have been inactive on this list for a year or so, although a few of you
may remember me ... today I'm writing to share a vision written by a
friend, Brandi Baldwin. She invites readers to share it.
A Future Fulfilled
The aftermath of 11 September 2001
In 2003 the 103rd World Trade Center opened in Afghanistan, following the
early completion of similar structures in Palestine and Israel.
By the end of 2002, construction had begun on all new World Trade Centers
around the world.
In February of 2002, the United Nations commended the US plan to
demonstrate against Terrorism with an act of construction. The nations of
the world aligned with the plan to donate property in each of their
countries for the creation of a World Trade Center, commemorating the loss
of the Center in New York City, and celebrating the unity of spirit and
cooperation of the peoples of the world toward open borders, understanding
and trade. Funding for the creation of the Centers came from a world
banking organization, with voluntary membership lead by Morgan Stanley,
and the support of the worlds brokerage houses, who provided a clearing
for the purchase of bonds and shares in the Global Economic Unitization
In December of 2001 details of the Plan For Global Harmony were released
to the Press. The plan entailed building a monument to the Human spirit,
a symbol of the centuries of cooperation that has resulted in the ability
of people everywhere on the planet to communicate with each other
regardless of language, and to travel anywhere on the globe within hours,
and to be able to live miles from the workplaces and play places they
visit every day.
In November of 2001, the parties involved in the misuse of airliners which
resulted in the events of 11 September at the World Trade Center in NYC
and at the Pentagon in Washington, DC were arrested and charged by a world
court with Crimes against Humanity. Notable was the complete absence of
the US Military in the arrest, which was made by a multinational volunteer
police task force, set up under the sponsorship of the United Nations.
October 11, 2001 - The US announced that the source of the attack on the
World Trade Center had been found, and in a special UN session, had
requested that all assets, Globally, of the responsible party be frozen,
and held for reparations. In part the reparations to the victims of the
attack, and to replace the destroyed property. But in an important move,
the US enrolled the World Body in a unique plan to replace a Military
Response to this Terrorist act with an act of Building. The US, with the
support of all of the World Religions, proposed using the money seized and
the moneys that would have been spent on a retaliatory strike with a
worldwide Building Harmony program. In this plan, a newly designed World
Trade Center would be replicated in all of the countries in the world.
These would forever stand as a symbol, not of the US economy, but of the
World Economy - an economy made possible and viable by the uniqueness of
the individual countries and peoples of the planet Earth.
October 1, 2001 - The US announces that it will not seek a Military
Response to the events of September 11, 2001, deciding instead to declare
a Peace Holiday on that date, and asking the people of the planet to share
with the US, on an annual basis, getting present to the Immense human cost
of Terrorism.
On September 11, 2001 a breakdown in civilization occurred in the US
that led to thousands of people dying. This breakdown created a
reaction in the people of the US which began as anger, and the desire
for retribution, but which was transformed through the beauty of the
human spirit, the religions of the world, and the massive relatedness
people from all over the world felt for the American People in the wake
of a terrible act of random violence. No longer seen as the
invulnerable "parent" to the world, the world now embraced America as an
equal, and a member in kind with all of humanity.
--Eric Hatch, President Hatch Organizational Consulting, Inc. "Enabling Positive Change"
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