Replying to LO27248 --
Dear Organlearners,
John Dicus <> writes:
>Dear LO Community,
>I want to hear your voices.
Greetings dear John,
I support your call completely.
Let us remember two points:
>We may be as many as 1800 people, all over
>the world, woven together through this medium
>that Rick tirelessly nurtures.
Poor Rick will go under with all the increasing work unless he gets
assistance. So let us hear from him what he will do.
>Some write often. Some never. Some have
>grown tired. Some write when moved. And
>that's okay.
Those who never write is often in my mind. I think of myself in the first
ten years after my conversion in 1970. I could not pray in public. Within
the first sentence I began to stutter and usually I could not even
construct a second sentence.
May I give the following advice to those who seldom, if ever, write,
but sincerely want to so.
(0) If it is you first response, introduce yourself. It will help fellow
learners immensely to understand you better.
(1) It does not matter whether you want to respond to a message
or put your own "coins in the purse". Just write, but do not mail it
(2) Let a night's sleep get in between and then look carefully at
your contribution. Make sure that you do not judge any person
because it will be detrimental to the learning of that person and you.
(3) Sleep another night over the contribution if you feel that you
should not send it. It is usually a sign that you have not articulated
your tacit knowing sufficiently The chances are very good that you
will know the next day what section(s) needs to be reformed.
(4) Shut your eyes, take a deep breath and then mail your contribution.
Please do not keep it back because it would do yourself far greater
harm than what any reaction upon your contribution would ever do to
(5) When someone responds unfairly to you, be patient and try to
prepare a response as graceful as possible if you feel up to it. Also
bear in mind that other learners seeing the injustice done to you, will
come to your aid in a manner which each finds best. Some will respond
directly while others will do it so gently that only those who can feel the
soft breeze will know it.
>Yet now, the only way I can see your faces
>is to hear your voices.
This is true since this is the best we can have now have in cyber space.
(It reminds me of the constructivists in logic who only accepted truths
which could be constructed.)
As for me, I find it most difficult to have a dialogue with people whose
faces I cannot see. Language is too much a mask for me which I will never
get wise to. Facial expressions and body language tell me swifter how a
person's thoughts develop than actual language could ever do. Anticipation
to responses is the mother to all wise responses because it takes time to
prepare any such a response.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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