Simon, Argyris, Huber and Weick LO27284

From: demingtw (
Date: 09/25/01

Replying to LO27272 --

Dear Nik,

Late H. A. Simon recommended Organizational Learning edited by M. D. Cohen
and L. S. Sproull( Sage, 1996) in his masterpiece Administrative Behavior.
You can find a sample of most thinkers you mentioned except Argyris ( in
this case, how about he and Shon's Organizational Learning II (
Addiso-Wesley )?

Good Luck.

Hanching Chung

Nik King-Turner wrote

> I am a student in New Zealand studying management. I am writing an essay
> on organizational learning. Would you have any info that may be usefull?
> "Nik King-Turner" <>


demingtw <>

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