Research Project LO27392

From: arthur battram (
Date: 10/12/01

Replying to LO27371 --


> which LO guru wrote about the Army's system?

It is Richard Pascale
I think there is a piece in Harvard Business Review - check their website.

Nancy Dixon also describes it in her book on KM - I can't remember the
title, is it 'Common Knowledge'? And I'm sure others have.

Pascale has recently published a new book which rather disappointingly
climbs on the back of the complexity bandwagon just as it leaves the very
outskirts of town: 'SURFING THE EDGE OF CHAOS'

what makes it worse is that that title was dismissed by many of us earlier
writers on complexity and management as too cheesy by far...

Now, the US Army example is interesting: if we take a standard Sengean
systems dynamics perspective, and blend it with Dixon's classification
system, we can see the US Army Learning Reviews as one extreme example.
It's a bit like the Periodic Table of Elements: many of them are either
non-existent on Earth or present only in vanishingly small quantities, or
in unextractable form. Similarly for some of the examplars of
organisational learning.

Best wishes,

  ... APB...

PS: for the record my book was called 'Navigating Complexity' and is still
available on Amazon. I guess you'd have to call it a cult classic,
because the marketing budget was zero, yet everybody who's actually read
it, loves it...

> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 01:49:32 EDT
> From:
> Subject: Research Project LO27371
> Replying to LO27368 --
> Dear Sarah,
> I know it sounds bizarre to think of the US Army as a learning
> organization, but in fact, it is touted as having one of the best systems
> of double loop learning. My mind has drawn a blank, but I know someone in
> the LO listserv will remember which LO guru wrote about the Army's system
> of debriefing and feeding lessons learned back into its procedures.


arthur battram <>

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