Research Project LO27393

From: Gurvis, Joan (
Date: 10/12/01

Replying to LO27385 --


I was pleased to read your posting referencing the Center for Creative
Leadership's leadership development program. We have been privileged to
work with many senior Army personnel and I am impressed with their
personal committment to self awareness and development. As our research
indicates, the more self aware one is, the greater their leadership

In these troubled times, we are all being called upon to assume leadership
roles in ways in which we could never have imagined. I believe indeed
that the army's leadership development model has many valuable learnings
and methodologies. In fact, in a current research project that I am
managing, we are exploring new and innovative approaches to leadership
development and the army's work has provided us with a great perpsective.
I do whole heartedly agree with your point that many senior business
leaders do lose sight of the fact that their own personal development is
an important element in their personal leadership journey. As the
pressures of meeting business objectives increases, in a business world
that is focused all to frequently on short term economic gain, the notion
of balance and self awareness just doesn't seem to matter. Each week in
the classroom I am amazed at the number of "ah ha's " around the concept
of balance and becoming a fully integrated person.

Warm regards,

Joan Gurvis
Senior Program Associate
Center for Creative Leadership
One Leadership Place
Greensboro, North Carolina 27410
Telephone: 336 286 4594
Fax: 336 288 3999


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