Replying to LO27388 --
Dear Organlearners,
Luis Peralta Chirinos <> writes:
>John Dicus asked :
>"What would happen if one took the approach that
>doing nothing was the smart path in the aftermath of
>09/11/01 since what occurred was the manifestation
>of a truly chaotic complex system, and that what happened
>will occur at the next appointed time regardless of the
>actions one might take?"
>Although it could see a simple division, I will try to
>classify the answers in two :
>1) React with violence, and
>2) "give the other cheek"
Greetings dear Luis,
Thank you for writing from far away Peru, showing us once again that
wisdom can come from any country of the world.
Spring is already here with us like in Peru. It is becoming very hot here
in South Africa at many places. People there wait for the summer thunder
storms to cool it off. Along our deserts of the west coast the scanty
winter drizzels have stopped. A long and dry summer awaits those deserts.
>From my studies of Cacti all over the Americas I know that Peru has the
same feature along its west coast.
I agree with your classification of the answers. I myself would have refer
to your (1) as reacting with destructive creativity and your (2) as
reacting with constructive creativity.
Most people tend to think of destructions and constructions as opposites
to each other merely in names. They are opposites in all respects. For
example, it is easy to destroy, but difficult to construct. It is takes
complex thinking to construct something, but simple thinking to destroy
that very thing. It also takes a lot of time and much free energy to
construct something and then far less time and free energy to destroy it
again. Last, but not the least among all opposites mentioned and not
mentioned, it takes love to construct, but hate to destroy.
The best example I know is to take a tiny flower and crush it under the
feet. This is like destructive creativity. Then that crushed flower has to
be restored again to its original beauty. This is like constructive
Some humans always want a reason to crush some other humans. But the
next reason they will never except. Every human is far more worth than
even the most beautiful flower.
Why will they not accept this reason? I think that they then will have to
admit their own incapacity to help a human who lives destructively to
transform into a human living constructively. I admit openly that this is
my greatest incapacity. I have to work very hard on improving it and
improvements come slowly and tiny steps.
>......Some people can see it as a weakness.
>What should this mean for USA ? To talk with
>Osama ? Is it so naive? ......
Luis, I think the weakness is something else, namely not to have talked
with a terrorist long before that terrorist even had committed vile acts.
Many South Africans have learned that terrorists became terrorists because
those in charge of apartheid did not want to talk with them and react
positively to their hurt at a much earlier stage.
>Have some of you answer a shout with a soft
>word ? I did it and started to extinguish the fire.
Wonderful. In my mother tongue we have the saying:
. 'n Sagte vermaning keer die grimmigheid af.
. A soft admonition blocks the wrath.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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