Beyond Traditional Employment.. Network Economy LO27445

Date: 10/23/01

International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) - 13th World Congress


September 8-12, 2003, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

                            Call for Abstracts

Traditional employment relations are changing, calling established
regulations and practices into question. While developing countries have
often not succeeded in attaining such standards, these are in a process of
erosion in industrialized countries, especially as they move toward a
service and knowledge economy. As seen from today's perspective, this
economy will put an even greater emphasis on networks among organizations
and people. Network technologies, such as the internet, are often an
integral part of this development. Whether moving beyond traditional
employment to a network economy will compensate for a loss of labor
regulations and established employment practices is a vital issue to be

The theme of the World Congress will be reflected in the following tracks
(for further details see

Track 1: Enterprise Reorganization: Negotiated, Consultative, or

Track 2: Changing Contours of the Employment Relationship and New Modes of
      Labor Regulation

Track 3: Industrial Relations and Global Labor Standards

Track 4: Collective Actors in Industrial Relations: What Future?

Track 5: European Integration: Convergence or Diversity?

You are invited to submit an abstract in English. The length should not
exceed 2-3 pages (ca. 1500 words). Deadline for submission is December 31,
2001. Please refer to the submission procedure below for details.

All abstracts will undergo a competitive review. Applicants will be
notified by June 30, 2002 whether their paper has been accepted for
presentation at a plenary session or in a workshop, or as a communication
paper. Communication papers may be presented at one of the poster
sessions. Papers accepted for presentation at a plenary session or in a
workshop will be submitted to academic journals for publication review.

Submission procedure

The preferred method is via the internet. Persons interested in submitting
an abstract for consideration are asked to use the electronic form
available at If you have any questions
please send an email to


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