Replying to LO27440 --
Dear Organlearners
Andrew Campbell < ACampnona@AOL.COM > writes:
>I want to ask, why it is that in every warm blooded
>animal the cry of the young brings forth the parent,
>from the lioness to the sparrow. And yet, you know,
>I see every day how the cries of the 'human child'
>brings forth a web of often confused and confusing
>impulses of action/inaction, from imposing humiliations
>to complete withdrawals and even, even, even to
>place the bullet into screaming flesh.
Greetings dear Andrew,
This formidable question which you ask is diercted at the very foundation
of human civilisation.
Here in South Africa I have seen how a "kiewiet" (a small bird slightly
larger than a sparrow) attacks an elephant like a dive bomber again and
again until the elephant change its course into the "kiewiet"'s nest in
the grass. I also have seen how a "stokstert meerkat" (a ground animal
smaller than mangoose, but looking like it) bites a lion in the hind legs
again and again if that lion comes to near to its den in the ground.
Thinking of these things, I am tempted to say that too many humans are not
brave enough to care for their young. But I think the problem is far more
complex. Parents in, for example, the UK will protect their own children
with their lives against whatever much larger lion or elephant in their
path. But what about children in Zimbabwe, one of the former colonies of
the UK. As a result of AIDS, close to half a million of these children are
now orphans. As a result of civil unrest in the country nobody takes care
of them. Thousands Zim(babwean) orphans die every month.
Should parents in the UK take care of orphans in Zimbabwe? What are the
reasons for this answer? If yes, why do parents in the UK do not find a
way how to take care of these children?
Deep down I think it has to do with our value system. A US dollar or
English pound will be accepted almost everywhere over the world. But where
in the world will, for example, a Zim dollar be accepted as to care for
the Zim economy? Likewise, where in the world will the care of a Zim child
be accepted?
>And the tanks drove into Bethlehem...
And the vultures circle down on the villages in which only orphans remain
who cannot burry their fellow orphans ...
With care and best wishes,
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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