Love Expands Intelligence LO27451

From: Dressler, Winfried (
Date: 10/24/01

Replying to LO27440 --

>I want to ask,

>Silence, silence, silence.
>And the tanks drove into Bethlehem...

Dear Andrew and all,

There are words, which may speak to you and other deep caring listeners.
These words have been experienced and written 1943 to 1944 by four
hungarian friends, a jewish couple and one jewish and one arian woman. It
has been translated into english (must have been very difficult), and is
available from amazon:

Talking with Angels by Gitta Mallasz (tanslations are available in french,
german, italian, dutch, spanish and greek)

"These forces, which came to be known as angels, accompanied them for
seventeen perilous months, until three of them met their deaths in Nazi
concentration camps. Only Gitta Mallasz survived to bring their story and
these remarkable dialogues to the world."

A report on a very special learning organization inmidst of decay and
increasing chaos.

Liebe Gruesse,


"Dressler, Winfried" <>

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