Replying to LO27439 --
Hey V Maria
You wrote:
I am interested in team learning ... more specifically the link between
team learning and team effectiveness. Does a team that learns have to be
effective? Does effectiveness mean learning has happened? What literature
might I seek out to address these questions? What other ideas do you have
that will help to make this link clearer?
:I would look in to the topic socialization and the aspect social learning.
Both Argyris, C. & Schön,D., Schein, E., Nonaka Iv and Senge talks about
this, either implicit or explicit.
: Regarding Argyris and Schõn you do not necessarily learn if you are
effective. Regarding Model I and single learning, you can be effective in
doing what you have done before, but you will must likely not learn
anything new or change anything.
Good luck
from Mette Sømme
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