Introduction and Inquiry... LO27470

Date: 10/28/01

Replying to LO27449 --

Dear Pauline,

You write,

>I also teach undergraduate courses (adult learners) at a local (Chicago)
>university on storytelling the workplace, storytelling as a leadership
>communication practice and collaborative learning.
>Enough about me, on to the inquiry.
>If you were going to introduce a group of adult learners to the concept of
>organizational learning in a 10-week course titled:
> Introduction to Organizational Learning: Principles and Practices
>..what would absolutely, positively have to be covered in the class?
>Any and all comments are most welcome! And again, thank you for all the
>insights and stimulating discussions you've provided.
>Paula T. Bartholome

If you would like to forward me your current syllabus and the maybe ;-)
systemic approaches to your courses and other professional provisions you
offer I will run them past some of my colleagues and send you the feedback
in due course.

Best wishes,

Andrew Campbell


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