Replying to LO27468 --
Hi back.
I'm wondering what you are looking for in "New Leadership Theories." I
contrast normative theories with contingency theories. . . and my belief
is that even the "new" as described by what is current and vogue in the
bookstores, professional conference headliners is really not so new, just
packaged and reframed differently.
As to "right" books, I'm not sure that there are any that are "right" in
every aspect. I'm assuming you did a search on leadership and you found
some newer publications as well as a multitude of older ones. . .
Perhaps something out of Academy of Management might have a journal that
does some contrasting from a researcher's perspective.
Sandy Wells
Austin, TX
> I need some material on New Leadership theories and compare them with
>Contengency Theories of leadership. Can any one point me to the right
>books and/or internet sites that can provide me good information on new
>leadership theories.
--"Sandy Wells" <>
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