A Poem That Makes A Difference LO27496

From: Barry Mallis (theorgtrainer@earthlink.net)
Date: 11/01/01

Replying to LO27462 --

A poem which "makes a difference" or something like that.

Snow Cave

The March storm dropped a rare dream
beneath which I carved my own version:
boy in drift, diminutive, windblown
snow cave. One whole childhood
afternoon on my back in the dim
passage, narrow exit. The way
out would be black boots first.
Now, though, above my lashes I punched
a fragile window so that sky spilled
inward into the clear. There is where I was
burned by the ice, branded with the secret
blue tattoo of You, Friend, future.


Barry Mallis
The Organizational Trainer
110 Arch St., #27
Keene, NH 03431-2167 USA
voice: 603 352-5289
FAX: 603 357-2157
cell: 603 355-0635
email: theorgtrainer@earthlink.net

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