Replying to LO27487 --
At said:
"I think that you had a special one in mind during the entire essay -- the
Rule Of Law (ROL)"
My question is: What do you mean by "the rule of law"? The rule of any
law, regardless of how just it is? The rule of only just laws?
Further complicating the issue, is who's standard of what is a law does
one follow?
This is the crux of any political process, whether national or
I have worked in organizations where the rule of law meant that one was
expected to be as nice as possible to everyone, regardless of how their
level of performance. And I have worked in organizations where the
governing principle is perform -- period. And then there are organizations
that have complex mixtures of both principles.
How is one to determine which governing principle (or law) is best?
Certainly the rule of law that liberates one may bring tyranny to another?
And one set of organizational policies may bring out the best of some and
the worst in others.
That leaves me wondering if there really is a set of laws or governing
principles that can be objectively proven to be perfect (that is, ideal to
all members of a community)?
--Benjamin Compton E-Mail: Web:
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