Replying to LO27485 --
Hello Leo, Jan, and all others.
Supporting Jan's remarks I would like to point out Spiral Dynamics, a
value systems approach that I have used several times (in the Netherlands)
during OD assignments.
Check these related websites for information:
[Host's Note: the first three sites, although similar URLs, have different
content. ..Rick]
With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,
Ren'e Post
>There is no best way of organizing. An organizing principle can best be
>congruent or contingent with the problem / issue at hand. Systems are
>connected causes. In a threathening survival situation, a "traditional"
>tribal organization works best, then you get more complicated structures
>with assertive kings and queens, then small scale democracies etc. These
>developmentd feed on each other. When there is economic prosperity,
>freedom of thought, democracy can take over and vice versa. The better
>"learn" the "higher" the organizing principle that can be applied. I
>assume that development and organizing principles are loosly linked.
>you want people to live in a primitive "command-type" society: stop
>their economic developement.
--"Ren'e Post" <>
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