Replying to LO27488 --
Fred wrote,
> 'Cause we don't geddit
> Regards,
> Fred Nickols
And at the heart of that 'lie' rests the dull 'curruption'. And at the
centre of that dull 'corruption' is the 'blind spot'...the 'mother of all
blind spots'.
So Fre(e)d, what is it that the 'we' ((you)) 'don't' 'ge(ddi)t?
I think it may be like a matter of lightness and darkness and, working in
that Goethean area noted by William James as..." In the dim background of
mind we know what we ought to be doing but somehow we cannot start." Senge
also noted and wrote in Jamesian terms of the 'background becoming the
I think you have a choice as a collective 'we'. But the collective 'they'
already just got up and started walking and if you don't 'gedthat' then
Ohio is not a journey to anywhere is it?
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