Replying to LO27467 --
Dear Gavin,
You wrote in part of your message,
>Of the last one ((Motives)) I have said so much but unfortunately very few
on this LO
>chat room have vaguely picked up on this. This is due to denial because of
>the mental pain it invokes
I recall you once sharing with us your 'chat room experiences' with a certain
Mr. Robert Dilts of NLP fame ;-) (Neuro Linguistic Programming) someone I
know who pioneers the same pseudo philosophy cum psychology thinks Dilts a
'genius'. I'd go wider and say 'all people' especially children contain
genius until of course segmenarians get their hooks into them...but none of
that right now. Please when you next chat with Mr.Dilts inquire for me on
your own behalf ;-) if it is still true that..." the success of any
communication is to be found located in the effect?"
In NLP 'speak' then, can you 'unpack' your thoughts a little more for me so
that I may reduce the pain of my denial.
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