Replying to LO27514 --
Hi Andrew
> Dear Gavin,
> You wrote in part of your message,
> >Of the last one ((Motives)) I have said so much but unfortunately very few
> on this LO
> >chat room have vaguely picked up on this. This is due to denial because of
> >the mental pain it invokes
> I recall you once sharing with us your 'chat room experiences' with a certain
> Mr. Robert Dilts of NLP fame ;-)
They were not chat room experiences but direct email correspondence, I was
pointing out to Robert that the so called founders (Grinder and Bandler)
cannot lay claim to NLP as Korzybski and Johnson had mentioned it, way
back just after the war. And he agreed to this anyway. I also pointed to
the very pages were Johnson in his brilliant book People In Quandaries
makes the very statements about NLP.
> (Neuro Linguistic Programming) someone I
> know who pioneers the same pseudo philosophy cum psychology thinks Dilts a
> 'genius'. I'd go wider and say 'all people' especially children contain
> genius until of course segmenarians get their hooks into them...but none of
> that right now. Please when you next chat with Mr.Dilts inquire for me on
> your own behalf ;-) if it is still true that..." the success of any
> communication is to be found located in the effect?"
I also sure do not regard NLP to be anything more than a tool and a very
average one at that.
I would say your response is very interesting, and I believe you are in
survival mode here, what on earth are you protecting?. This is not the
Andrew whose wonderful writing I often read.
> In NLP 'speak' then, can you 'unpack' your thoughts a little more for me so
> that I may reduce the pain of my denial.
Andrew your response shares with me that you are protecting something,
maybe mentally what you believe to believe be so righteous that it may not
be discussed or even confronted. That is the problem on this very chat
room. Some issues are taboo, and not to be challenged and this is a real
pity. I have often contemplated to remove myself from this list because of
this. It seems that there is a singular focus and this is a pity rather.
The very openness that is purported to be, is just not the case. The
introversion sometimes troubles me. Hence the comments I have made over
the last few weeks. There is often this option on many of the discussions,
choose my way or the highway.
Where may ask is the freedom of expression, creativity, liberty in that?
There is a lot of longing and deep needs for association on this chat room
which is okay but unfortunately those who are not with us are against type
responses is all too familiar.
Andrew you know where your pain resides and how it feels and how you cover
it, not I, because I only can know mine. I try be honest about it but that
is very hard too. I heard a saying once." I have found the enemy and it is
You may want to go inside yourself and ask, what fear you are projecting
on to me?
--Gavin Ritz <>
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