Replying to LO27533 --
Dear Organlearners,
Gavin Ritz <> writes:
>> In NLP 'speak' then, can you 'unpack' your
>> thoughts a little more for me so that I may
>> reduce the pain of my denial.
>Andrew your response shares with me that you
>are protecting something, maybe mentally what
>you believe to believe be so righteous that it may
>not be discussed or even confronted. That is the
>problem on this very chat room. Some issues are
>taboo, and not to be challenged and this is a real
>pity. I have often contemplated to remove myself
>from this list because of this. It seems that there is
>a singular focus and this is a pity rather. The very
>openness that is purported to be, is just not the case.
>The introversion sometimes troubles me. Hence the
>comments I have made over the last few weeks.
>There is often this option on many of the discussions,
>choose my way or the highway.
>Where may ask is the freedom of expression, creativity,
>liberty in that?
Greetings dear Gavin,
I personally would feel sad if you resign from the LO-dialogue for this
I have learned of openness that it is the Joker of the pack of 7Es (seven
essentialities of creativity). One reason is that in the other six 7Es we
merely have to increase in them. But in openness we have to increase in
both "closedness" and "openness". In other words, we have to swing in
increasing amplitude between the acts of closing and opening. We have to
exploit the exisiting paradigm and its linearity to its hilt, but also
have to prepare prepare us for the non-linear shift to the next paradigm.
We have to create constructively, but also have to prepare us for the next
creative collapse.
For example, in the digestive mode/assymptote/phase of my spirituality
(creativity-learning-believing-loving) I have to open up the
"world-inside-me" for "food" (impulses- information-beliefs-care) coming
from the "world-outside-me". But in the bifurcative mode/assymptote of my
spirituality I have to close the "world-inside-me" so as to focus on inner
regeneration- rejuvenation-revelation.
Because I strongly suspect that it is the same with other learners, I have
made peace with the fact that they close themselves. Should they close
themselves during the digestive phase, they will sooner or later become
very hungry and thirsty so that they eventually will open up to feed and
drink again. Should they close themselves during the bifurcative phase,
then sooner or later we will be informed what bifurcation happened and
whether it led to a noble thought.
It reminds me of the climate here in Pretoria. In winter it becomes so
cold that we have to close all the doors and windows. But in summer it
becomes so hot that we have to open them not to suffer in the heat and
humidity. Likewise spiritual acts have these climatic cycles which I tried
to depict a couple of months ago in the entropy and free energy
>There is a lot of longing and deep needs for
>association on this chat room which is okay
>but unfortunately those who are not with us
>are against type responses is all too familiar.
Another thing which I learned is not to confuse the rythm of openness with
the invoking of LEM (Law of Excluded Middle), i.e. picking-sides. The
strange thing about openness is that as it swings back from opening to
closing, it inverts the other six 7Es too. For example, in sureness
("identity- contextuality") the identity becomes the context while the
focus shift to the context as identity. In liveness ("becoming-being") the
becoming and being will switch roles. In my mother tongue Afrikaans we
have magnificent rules how to create verbs from nouns or nouns from verbs
as well as adverbs from adjestives and vice versa when we begin to respond
to the rythm of openness.
>Andrew you know where your pain resides
>and how it feels and how you cover it, not I,
>because I only can know mine. I try be honest
>about it but that is very hard too. I heard a
>saying once." I have found the enemy and it
>is I."
Yes, it is a wonderful saying. But may I extend it with another one which
I deeply again became under the impression of during the past couple of
months. "I am the main obstacle in the path to healing of somebody,
including myself, who I criticise as ill." In other words, if I do not
take care, I am everybody's enemy. The "I" here refer to me as individual
and also to the organisations to which I belong.
>You may want to go inside yourself
>and ask, what fear you are projecting
>on to me?
I wonder whether any fear had been projected onto another person. I got
the idea that Andrew was trying to help you as I now get the idea that you
are trying to help Andrew. But as I often said -- this is what the
LO-dialogue is meant for -- to become sure what we each mean when we
talk/chat/ write to each other.
I wrote only twice on NLP to Winfried. The first time was to caution him.
You responded to Winfried that I seem to be confused about NLP. I did not
take up the challenge. The second time I explained to Winfried what I
meant the first time. I wrote the first time with hesistation (not fear
;-). I wrote the second time with greater hesistation. I think my
hesistation to write on it a third time will even be much greater. Anyway,
I remember how our dialogue was suddenly flooded for a couple of weeks by
people usually very quiet (I try not to use "lurker"). It made me realise
that far more people are involved with NLP than what I suspected.
The simple reason as I put it to Winfried is that I have seen how typical
NLP techniques, although not identified as such, had been used to keep the
majority of the white electorate in South Africa during apartheid into
mental bondage for opportunistic reasons. NLP in symbiosis is great, but
in parasitism ("free energy vampirism") its hypnotising effect is
extremely dangerous. I still wonder how much agents of our government
misused these techniques without telling where they got them from or what
they intended with them. They brought our country close to the edge of
Do you still remember the great furor over the "sensitivity training"
given by some organisation against apartheid once the (secret government
;-) of South Africa learned that this organisation taught techniques which
they self had been misusing. Wow, those days of awakening and realising
that "bendetaal" (gang language) is at the order of the day had been both
exciting and dangerous.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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