Flesh of Light LO27532

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 11/11/01

Replying to LO27462 --

Dear John Dicus,

In my 'studio' which is... for the most part... very dark,... cold... and
cramped I keep certain orders;-)

"Everything must
Be arranged
To a hair's breadth
In thunderclap

Antonin Artaud.

Playing with liquid light (like) liquid leadership makes me think...

Flesh of Light.

>From a core-flash, from a thunder silence
Inside the sun, the smelting
Crawls and glimmers among heather topped stones.

The mill of the galaxy, the generator
Making the atoms dance
With its reverberations, brims out lowly

For cattle to wade. They lift muzzles
That unspool the glair,
Dark bodies dense with boiling light.

The power-line, alive in its rough trench,
Electrifies the anemones
And the bristling wheat. A chrism of birth

Anoints the earth's bones. Ferns, unfolding baby fists,
Nod into unpreaching, eyes of egg film
Wobble into focus, in the throbbing aura

Of the river's magnetic descent.
This is the sun's oiled snake, dangling, fallen,
The medicinal mercury creature

Sheathed with the garb, in all its inscribed scales,
That it sheds
And refreshes, spasming and whispering.

Spinal chord and the prone adoring land,
To the roots of the sea, to the blossoming

Of the sea.

Ted Hughes,
River Poems




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