Poetry in Motion. Whale Song. LO27531

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 11/11/01

Replying to LO27462 --

Dear John and Winfried,

First, I would like to take you up on the offer you made me recently off line
Winfried, you'll know the one. I am seizing this post as that opportunity, so
that events have created the conditions for a 'yes'.

Now, what you have written below is for me profound because once again I
sense a rare happenstance that is what I'd call a 'third' maybe 'fourth
order' learning loop;-) I am finding now and have always found so called
'single' and 'double' loop learning a trap set by linearisticists;-) ...but
then...no... stay on topic Andrew.

I have been trying to come to learningful terms with some profoundly deep
ideas based on the dialogic nature of time and whales. (Strangely bald eagles
figure in the research too). The essence of this research is about the kinds
of knowledge and human nature progress that issues from somewhere called the
'chamber of altruism' and involves understanding Rythmn Based Communication
as opposed to Signal Based Communication, the former being a low stress means
and the latter high stress, the former conditions can so far as I understand
'create' a 'field effect' in which synchronicity happens, the very thing you
have spoken about. Dear Winfried, John and At, I believe that this post is an
example of a newly surfacing phenomenon I have longed to see appear in my own
experience zone. A higher form of perhaps a meta communication created in a
field ploughed for hundreds of years from Bacon (At's beloved;-) Bacon to
today's complexifying communities.

The originator of this whale research programme is sending a copy of his
latest book, my job is to then send it on to Dawkins at Oxford..then I get
another one...you get the picture I'm sure...you've seen a few trailers for
this in the past from me privately.

As Peter signs off.
Andrew campbell

> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 22:36:14 +0100
> From: KiWiDressler@t-online.de (Winfried und Kirstin Dressler)
> "Wo sind die Auferstandenen, die ihren eigenen Tod überwunden haben, das
> Leben liebkosen, sich anvertrauen dem Wind? Kein Engel verrät ihre Spur."
> (Rose Ausländer)



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