Replying to LO27499 --
Hi AT and fellow learners
You wrote in response to Gavin...
>At first I could not understand this impairing of many 7Es and sometimes
>even all seven of them. But then I began to understand how deeply these
>7Es depend on each other for its own growth. For example, sureness may
>first become deeply impaired . As a result of this some of the other 7Es
>will also become impaired. I began to learn how important it is to find
>that first one when helping people to become healthy in their spirituality
>once again. It makes the healing far more rapid.
AT would you share with us what you are learning about helping people
"find that first one"? I am assuming here that when you refer to
creativity you are referring to the same creativity that gave rise through
Albert Einstein to E = MC2, dances the spiral pattern of the Milky Way,
informs a poets writing and a healing touch. I am also assuming that when
you refer to people becoming "healthy in their spirituality" that you are
in some way referring to their ability to allow this creativity to flow
through their being in order to meet what is needed in the moment. I share
these assumptions with you just so that you may see a little more clearly
the origin of my question...
One other reflection back to you around creativity and its relation to
spirit that may be useful to you is to refer you to the work of the late
Edward Matchett. For me he offers a beautiful understanding of creativity
and genius. Google will provide some initial leads if you are not already
familiar with his work.
Warm regards
Mark Feenstra
PS I am still writing a reply to your generous responses re Valentinus the
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--"Mark Feenstra" <>
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