Replying to LO27507 --
Yunus wrote:
>My name is Yunus and I am doing a study on the "Learning Organization" for
>my graduate class. I am a student of Middle East Technical University. I
>have been searching far and wide for the full text articles and any web
>addresses on the learning organization and the role of technology,
>especially the "Internet Technology", in empowering organizations to adopt
>themselves for the demands of the 21st century and become a learning
>organization. In addition to this, what is the dynamic among such concepts
>as "learning organization", "training", Web-based training" and "knowledge
>management" ?
If i could phrase the question in another way :
"in what ways can IT, particularly Internet, helps to enhance better human
capacity in the areas of [Shared Visions] [Systems Thinking][Personal
Mastery] [Mental Models] [Team Learning]?"
In my own experience and experimentation, due to the advancement in the
Internet Technology, there are many avenues, opportunities for such
"learning" (with respect to the five disciplines) to take place depending
on the creativity and maturity of the people concerned.
More suitably, it provides scope for Learning Communities, instead of just
Learning Organisations.
There are a few uniques advantages using Internet Technology that can help
especially in [Mental Models] [Personal Mastery] [Team Learning] just by
using emailing systems, or e-forum. This is because there is greater
opportunities for Reflection, rather than reaction, as while we convey our
thinking in writing, or read somebodies' thoughts, we can't react like in
the face-to-face interaction, as we need to read several times if we want
to and to compose and edit our thoughts while writing.
Double loop learning is further enhanced if there is or are skillful
e-facilitators, e-coaches in [Team Learning] or [Personal Mastery].
What do the rest of OL thinkers think?
Andrew Wong
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