Internet Technology for Org Learning LO27507

From: yunus sahinkayasi (
Date: 11/04/01


My name is Yunus and I am doing a study on the "Learning Organization" for
my graduate class. I am a student of Middle East Technical University. I
have been searching far and wide for the full text articles and any web
addresses on the learning organization and the role of technology,
especially the "Internet Technology", in empowering organizations to adopt
themselves for the demands of the 21st century and become a learning
organization. In addition to this, what is the dynamic among such concepts
as "learning organization", "training", Web-based training" and "knowledge
management" ?

I have difficulties in finding any kind of document. Is there an
interesting article that you can recommend that shows a study done on the
my topic ? Please, write back at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your interest and efforts.


"yunus sahinkayasi" <>

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