Intro -- Brian Denney LO27601

Date: 11/28/01

Hello everyone!

My name is Brian and I am a Senior Business Administration major at the
University of Northern Iowa. I am somewhat familiar with the concept of a
learning organization through some of my coursework here at UNI, however I
am joining this discussion group to gain more background on communicating
with business people for my Business Communications course that I am
currently taking. I heard this discussion group was a good one to join as
there are a number of topics discussed and many different ideas/opinions
shared. So far I have found the postings to be interesting, insightful,
and professional. If anyone has any information to share on the topic of
communication in business, please by all means feel free to share it, I'm
interested in hearing some views on the subject. I am looking forward to
reading and responding to the various subjects discussed in this forum.

Brian Denney
Management: Business Administration major

College of Business Administration
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa

[Host's Note: Welcome, Brian! ..Rick]


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