Early-bird registration for the 5th World Congress on Intellectual Capital
sponsored by the MINT Research Centre and McMaster University is due on
November 30, 2001.
5th World Congress on Intellectual Capital
January 16 - 18, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
o Intellectual Capital o Knowledge Management o Innovation
o Intangible Assets o Organizational Learning o New Technology
o Human Capital o Competitive Intelligence o Knowledge Assets
The 5th World Congress on Intellectual Capital (in conjunction with the
23rd McMaster Business Conference and the 3rd World Congress on E-Commerce)
sponsored by the Management of Innovation and New Technology Research
Centre at McMaster University (widely recognized as Canada's most
innovative university!) will be held January 16-18, 2002 in Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada.
The World Congress on Intellectual Capital is recognized globally as the
largest and most prestigious conference of its kind. It brings both
academic researchers and professional practitioners together to present,
discuss and review the latest issues and trends in the areas of
intellectual capital, knowledge management, innovation, new technology,
human capital and organizational learning. Last year's conference
attracted 536 delegates from over 30 countries including several exhibitors
and outstanding keynote speakers. The event was covered by several
newspapers, TV and magazine media outlets from over 10 countries.
The first four events in 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2000 attracted approximately
1,500 delegates (practitioners, academics and Ph.D. students) from over 40
countries. This year we are planning an even better event which will
include a KM technology expo, a PhD recruiting fair, a CKO forum, a
knowledge café, and a special government and non-for-profit stream of best
--"Nick Bontis" <nbontis@internet.look.ca>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
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