Performance Standards Authorities (PSA) LO27750

From: chris macrae (
Date: 02/04/02

I'm not sure if I've got the right common language here but I think of and its Baldrige benchmarking program and annual standards
profiles for Quality as a PSA

Does Learning Organisation have a PSA?

Do you know of any other multidisciplianry processes or goals of
organisation which have PSAs?

My reason for asking is that I feel that intangibles measurement needs a
community that sets up open benchmarkable standards. (Therefore I want to
understand how PSAs formed, operate) Reasons for forming an Intangibles
Measurement Community include:
 - Intangibles link 85% of corporate value destruction/ productivity, as
reported last year by both Brookings & the European Union
 - done very immaturely by most organisations- the gap between what is
done and could be done is far greater than Quality was 15 years ago
 - when one translates how intangibles work they become humanly activated
systems connected through to serving stakeholder relationships designed
round overcoming conclicting demands by operating win-win business or
mental models. (at least in my opinion)

chris macrae,
top 100 conversations on intangibles measurement crisis


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