I found some of the comments about Enron, Jack Welch, and layoff issues to
be really fascinating.
Last summer I shared a summer house with an Enron employee, probably very
senior. She described a constant pressure people felt to "do deals", "go
out there and get things done". It resulted in actions that led to very
little examination of what was being done, and very little internal
oversight. So was the organization learning anything, improving, or even
making money? It would be hard to tell when there was little internal
Then, Enron experienced the resignation of its former CEO. My friend
tried to call the office that day, only to find that it seemed Enron had
responded to this event by turning off its telephone system! She could
not even get voicemail.
So through this very small view into what Enron was like I would ask
whether it was really such a great culture, to operate without internal
communication (which includes things like accounting reports and internal
reviews) or internal discipline of some sort.
Anne Chamberlain aloucha@concentric.net
--Chamberlain Anne L <achamberlain@buckconsultants.com>
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