Jack Welch and Performance Appraisal LO27770

From: Jack Zigon (jack@zigonperf.com)
Date: 02/05/02

Replying to LO27723 --

On 2/3/02 10:21 PM, "learning-org-digest"
<learning-org-digest-approval@world.std.com> wrote:

> Roxanne:
> Don't forget GE has another culture standard called INTEGRITY. With the
> combination of Integrity...stretch
> goals...boundarilessness...workout...diversity...globalization culture, plus
> the management system and style, GE has shown the world its success.
> However, I doubt if GE model can work anywhere else. That's why GE is GE.

Another aspect of the GE culture was setting measurable goals and
reviewing performance quite often against those goals. Most companies do
not want to work that hard on goal setting and review.

-- Jack

  Jack Zigon mailto:jack@zigonperf.com
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Jack Zigon <jack@zigonperf.com>

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