Replying to LO27709 --
On 1/27/02 10:43 PM, "learning-org-digest"
<> wrote:
> Thank you, Greg, for helping me to see that Welch's approach of
> eliminating the bottom ranked 10% managers might make sense in some
> cultures. It is hard for me to imagine that this wouldn't create
> unhealthy competition or even sabotage. It feels pretty ruthless. Am I
> still missing something?
No you're not missing anything. Discussions with employees who worked at
GE in this kind of system found it very stressful.
I've just posted an article on dysfunctional competition on my website in
the "new articles" section of this page:
-- Jack
Jack Zigon
Zigon Performance Group Voice: 610-891-9599
604 Crum Creek Road Fax: 610-891-9055
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--Jack Zigon <>
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