Some Statistics on People and Organizations LO27789

From: Fred Nickols (
Date: 02/07/02

Responding to Barry Mallis in LO27774 --

Earlier, and from an admittedly cynical and critical perspective, I wrote
that "statistics are to buttress and defend, never to call into question."

I had in mind mainly the self-serving uses to which statistics are put by
those who use them to buttress and defend their points of view, be those
views noble or ignoble.

Barry Mallis responded that my statement is "too black and white" and
suggests that, as he sees it, statistics can both defend a position and
cause others to question.

I think we have hold of two different parts of the elephant, Barry. I
agree with you regarding the effects of statistics. I was speaking to
their uses.


Fred Nickols
"Assistance at A Distance"


Fred Nickols <>

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