Replying to LO27748 --
Dear LO'ers, dear At,
I was amased about your reply, including these fascinating diagrams. For
me they are clear illustrations and I hope that this is also the case for
I wonder how many of us have a dog. And how many of us walk with this dear
companion. And how many of us use a line to have control on the dog. But
sometimes in open terrain the dog is allowed to run and play and walk
freely, without this controling line. I wonder how many of us start
playing too in this situation - playing with the line in your hands. Have
any of you started to swing this line, rotating it? And rotating it and
winding it up around the wrist. Have you experienced the increasing speed
and increasing revolutions while the line winds itself up? Well, that film
appeared in my mind when reading about the increased frequency of
'Steigerungs' or emergences and looking at the diagrams of At.
Some words on the '8th' force.
I have many times contemplated on the 7E's, ofwhich one of them is
wholeness. I have many times played with the thought that wholeness is
this encompassing force. That is why I wrote in my original contribution:
"Thus we may extend the idea of dealing with products instead of sums
toward products with much more factors, six or seven. I am not sure if one
of the E's (wholism) is a factor or the outcome of the multiplification. I
think that this is not so important. What is important is the fact that
the 7 E's should be balanced to result in a maximum outcome."
Maybe it is important now we dialogue further on this mysterious 8th
force. If 'wholeness' is this one, then we should speak of the 6E's + 1.
But I am totally a supporter of including wholeness in the 7 E's. But
somewhere, in the backyards of my mind I feel that wholeness is somewhat
superior above the other six E's. Does that mean that I am still in
dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.
--Leo Minnigh <>
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