Constructive Creativity and Leadership. Part 7. LO27812

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 02/11/02

Replying to LO27788 --

Dear Organlearners,

Leo Minnigh <> writes:

>I was amased about your reply, including these
>fascinating diagrams. For me they are clear illustrations
>and I hope that this is also the case for others.

Greetings dear Leo,

Thank you for your kind words. They took several hours to make, but they
were all the time spent worth. I had self a big mental kick when I
transformed the graph with rectilinear axes (a discovery of Rene Descarte
in the sixteen hundreds) to a graph with parallel axis. What I imagined
earlier in my mind and what took place on the graph differed very little.

>Maybe it is important now we dialogue further
>on this mysterious 8th force. If 'wholeness' is this
>one, then we should speak of the 6E's + 1. But I
>am totally a supporter of including wholeness in the
>7 E's. But somewhere, in the backyards of my mind
>I feel that wholeness is somewhat superior above the
>other six E's. Does that mean that I am still in

Leo, I can only speak for myself. What is now happening to you with
respect to wholeness, happened to me in the past with respect to each of
the 7Es (seven essentialities of creativity).

It happens as follows. When I focus in my creatings and learnings one
something which have to do with a particular essentiality, it is as if
that essentiality becomes more powerful than the rest.

For example, I have grown thousands of succulent species from seed. In
order to produce my own seed, I had to learn what mechanism these palnts
have for producing seed. The most poweful mechanism they have to advance
their diversity is by prevent self pollination in dazzling different ways.
Some species evolved from monoecious specimens (one plant has both male
and female flowers) to dioecious specimens (one plant has male flowers and
another plant has female flowers).

Other species evolved by letting the female part of the flower o become
"ripe" several days before the male part becomes "ripe". By that time the
"ripe" female flower had either been pollinated by pollen of a "ripe" male
part on another plant, or ceased to be "ripe". One last way to mention is
that a plant keeps all its flowers budded until it detects the pheromones
from the opened flower of another plant. Then, in a couple of hours, it
lets one flower bud grow immensely fast so as to become mature and be
pollinated with the other flower.

To learn about all these many ways to advance biodiversity and to ensure
by documentation and selection that among the next generation of seed
producing plants I will indeed have greater biodiversity, are no simple
tasks. It is then that I often come deeply under the impression that
otherness ("quality-variety") are to nature more important than the other
six 7Es. To use your words, that there is a mysterious "8-th" force for me
which is directly related to otherness. Today I understand it to be the
back action of my learning (involving all 7Es) on increasing the otherness
within me.

This is another reason why I prefer "harmony" to "balance". By shifting my
focus in my learning from one of the 7Es to another, I create imbalances
("entropic forces"). But fortunately I have learned in complex soils that
these "entropic forces" are necessary. The danger comes when they lose
their harmony because this leads to one thing for sure -- a loss in "soil
fertility". Likewise I try to keep these imbalances in harmony so as not
to have a loss in my "creativity fertlity" so as to speak of it. Today I
will speak of it as my "constructive creativity".

I think that our advancement in each of the 7Es follows a fractal path
(Goethe's "Steigerung") from one of the 7Es to another. It is only when we
avoid one or more of these 7Es that this "Steigerung" stops as well as
destructive creativity comes to light.

Anyway, my version is but one version. Tell us how it was with you at
times when you were actively studying "geodiversity"?

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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