Bees and Bells LO27813

Date: 02/11/02

Replying to LO27782 --

Dear Leo, Dear At and all dear Learners

> The long post of dear Andrew still vibrates in my mind. Vibrating like
> buzzing bees, a cloud of bees, a young population who decided to live on
> its own, apart from the old mother.

I am but a mere midget.
By now ;-) dear Leo you will have received (I hope) my 'empty cup'. Others
among you will have received 'evidence' of my 'empty cup'. My 'empty cup'
I dedicate the both content and form and all that might one day flow from
that inverted bellhousing to those men and women who walked more than a mile
to visit At de Lange. They are the forerunners of the future you have seen. A
young population who have decided to leave the old mother. They will need
honey for the journey. The walk from there to here and back again is a long
and perilous one. But we know they have sent out the scout. And the scout is
reporting back.
A way of this scout is called by the name Bell. I will then now invite At de
Lange to mesh some superluminal theory into the name (J.S.) 'Bell' for us at
his special repose;-) will be for sure a 'pretty pattern of
information', and may carry us along at faster than the speed of light. It
will take us to a place of 'collapse' as we 'wave' goodbye and hello
simultaneously, maybe faster than that. Oooops...getting ahead of myself in
the pressing game.
As for 'yield" Stapp wrote in 1971, " Human inquiry can continue indefinitely
to yield important new truths.' A way is via the path with no ground,
endlessly diverse...talking takes us in circles...talking must come to an end
by opening, yielding to something else that is the same...imagine if you
can..I know you can...that I and Max Planck are sitting under a great flower
coloured blue in and out of which goes the buzzing bees you (k)now imagine;-)
(k)not as the case may be...and he passes me a bit of paper and it is headed
"'Science', then three dots...'means unresting endeavour and continually
progressing development toward an aim which the poetic intuition may
apprehend, but which the intellect can never fully grasp.'" Now Leo, that
Hand, that footprint, that ground, that plow, that song, that angel and that
gossamer wing, what is that now to you? Where else can you go. And do you
still long to see God's face in dawn flowers. Beginners mind Mr Einstein had,
The art of the arch phenomenologist Francisco Varela loved. Artists by any
other name. Dear AE showed how the cup runneth over only beyond the speed of
light. An act of supreme imagination. A leap, First step of the dance. Song
of co-creation.
All 'nonsense' ... Wu Li (middle placement)


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