Bees and Bells LO27782

Date: 02/07/02

Replying to: Bees LO27769

> Andrew sees (according to his message Bees LO27740) the true nature of
> democracy and of all distributed governance in certain behaviors of a Bee
> hive.
> I for myself would like to bring 'free energy'into the equation. For a
> real democracy, I belief, there has to be free energy. I don't think that
> there is free energy in a bee hive.
> Greatings,
> René

Hello Rene

I agree about what you say yourself, not sure about what you write I

First, would you please instruct me how I can place the accent above your
last "e" name so I may write in that way next time.

[Host's Note: The easiest way is to cut and paste, e.g. René ..Rick]

Second, I think I said 'a new form' not 'the true nature'....I'll go back
and see what I wrote by way of preamble...

Citation of Andrew by Andrew ;-)

>>I spoke of a new form of democracy, I said it was like
>>some kind of vortex, a tornado...with a lashing tail...and I was
>>astonished then (knot) when I came upon this in ;-) the web ;-) by Kevin
>>Kelly. If you can read it with some pace it will act like a swarm, gather
>>you up, carry you along and drop you somewhere else, new, changed...but
>>'knot' because where else can you go;-) and old Mr Confucius himself would
>>have recognized the symphony, the light and the dark chords, the
>>amblazoning days and night, the embraidings of chaos and order...just
>>around the uncorner of a turning world.

Yes, look Rene I wrote "a new form of democracy"...

I also wrote a word "knot" is something to do with RD Lainge's
views, they are so useful to me in all of this, like the handle of an axe
on a cold morning or evening that reminds me of something Heidegger or
some of his followers wrote, about 'democracy' a form of
'technology' with us humans I wonder?...but anyhow in another place;-) I
am offered a choice of what words I may spell 'differently', so that
technology does not insert her hand into my diction and spell me wrong;-),
taking away an outcome of my owned "freeenergy" one word two things;-)
Only one word is in the box, 'Knot'!

But let's look at another metaphor in this text of Kelly about his idea of
'governance', BTW I am not sure if Kelly is aligning himself with the
Santa Fe complexologists. Most do as it is a place where many minds meet,
but so far as I know they do not appreciate perhaps as fully as some here
the important role of "freeenergy" in the whole governance of living
entities. Its the but about the scouts, that go out anonymously, looking
for better places, then they return to tell the hordes...doesn't that ring
a bell with you? Does that not ring a bell with you Rene? Does that ring a
bell of freedom? Do you/we still listen for the bell of freedom ringing on
the hill. I don't mean the Liberty Bell, I mean the bell that Dr. Martin
Luther-King Jr. sang the song of freedom through. Here, he comes to speak
with us,

"Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain in Georgia, .....Let freedom ring
from Lookout Mountain in Tennessee, ...let freedom ring from every hill
and mown hill in Mississippi, from every mountain side let freedom ring...
And when this happens.... when we allow freedom ring from every village,
and hamlet, from every state and every city.... we will be able to speed
up that day when ALL OF GOD'S CHILDREN, black men and white men, jews and
gentiles, protestants and catholics will be able to join hands and sing in
the words of the old negro spiritual, Free at last, free at last - Thank
God Almighty.. we are free at last." You know Rene, those dots, what are
they to you. For me they are steps, stars and cries of "Yeh!" "Yes!" they
are an eternity of longing to go home and the voice of a truer democracy.

Kelly goes hither and yon with his, I suspect, unconscious driven

" I took a chain saw and ripped into this toppled old tupelo. The poor
tree was cancerous with bee comb. The further I cut into the belly of the
tree, the more bees I found. The insects filled a cavity as large as I
was. It was a gray, cool autumn day and all the bees were home, now
agitated by the surgery. I finally plunged my hand into the mess of comb.
Hot! Ninety-five degrees at least. Overcrowded with 100,000 cold-blooded
bees, the hive had become a warm-blooded organism. The heated honey ran
like thin, warm blood. My gut felt like I had reached my hand into a dying
animal. "

Take away the veneer of literal intepretation, the cold blooded bees for
warm blooded people, the warm and freeenergy saturated honey for the
coldness of money...turn things inside out...we often say the opposite of
what we more deeply mean (Freud) Kelly cites Steiner...

" The German theosophist Rudolf Steiner writes lucidly in his otherwise
kooky Nine Lectures on Bees: "Just as the human soul takes leave of the can truly see in the flying swarm an image of the departing
human soul." For many years Mark Thompson, a beekeeper local to my area,
had the bizarre urge to build a Live-In Hive an active bee home you could
visit by inserting your head into it. ..."

So Steiner is kooky on bees eh?

The artist Beuys has as an ex Lutwaffe pilot shot down in the Crimea has
become an artist of some repute and in his personal constellation are
found many ramblings of bees;-) But that's another post for another

The moral of the story so far....Democracy takes many forms, honey takes
many flavours according to the food of the bees take in, a friend of ours
has kept bees all his life and makes mountains of the stuff;-)...a few
days ago I lifted a bee fallen out from God knowswhere;-) twitching to
recover I picked him up upon a leaf and carried him to the greenhouse and
laid him down...not a peep from him I might add of gratitude. A miracle
nevertheless;-) know Rene when I envisioned it...the man running
around with his head in a beemass I saw twothingsinonething...I saw a man
with his head wrapped into a television set, it could have been a computer
screen assembly and I saw a man blind and mad and running around doing
great damage to himself and all around him.

I will repeat some words expressed privately between me(self), and another
man. It occurred in about August, when the bees are very busy...

"I offered them a vision of ten thousand angels and they do not see it."
"I was wondering why you are so quiet."

A few among our little host, our little community, our little swarm may
say, "Aha! So much for prophets and prophecy it was we thought ten
thousand but we know it was three thousand." And are these the same people
who accuse freethinkers, imaginers, artists, philosophers of various kinds
of counting the number of Angels on a pin head. These are the people
perhaps who make in salaries a year what whole towns make yearly in the
valleys between far distant hills and mountains. It seems to a CEO of a
large bank that losing half a billion dollars doesn't matter that much.
Why? Because HIS BANK has ten times that in total reserves. I ask that
IDIOT like the IDIOT at GE and the overempowered beeheads and beehearts
they entrain...DO YOU HEAR THAT BELL?

Rene, do you think that the future we may envision now is wrapped into the
forms from the past? I have a photo of a little black boy who lives in a
ditch, I keep it beside me along with other things that come and go;-) he
has no healthcare, no discernible support structures that we might
recognise as such;-) in a modern society, he seems to be warning quite
inappropriate clothes for the heat of the day discernible from the light
and shadows, he seems though in some obvious distress quite at peace, I
apologise for the contradiction on his behalf. Don't worry Rene, LO'ers...
there are hands coming from the corners, lifting him up. They are attached
to bodies bent over him. I expect they are about to ask him, 'Who are

On a breeze, breath-like some words for him ...

-- " I will duly pass the day O mother and duly return to you;
Not you will yield forth the dawn again more surely than you will
yield forth me again,
Not the womb yields the babe in its time more surely than I shall
be yielded from you in my time."

Leaves of Grass Whitman.

Here is one more thing I do not understand, so please do me the honour of

"Laws treat of the network and not of what the network describes." -

I like how 'yield' works two ways ...



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