Accounting and Economics LO27791

From: Rol Fessenden (
Date: 02/07/02

Replying to LO27746 --

I would be willing to represent the dirty capitalist perspective on third
world impact of globalization, but if I am going to take a lot of crap for
trying to present another perspective, then I don't have the energy.


[Host's Note: Rol, I hope you will write... I don't think you'll get a lot
of crap here. (I do caution, however, that contributions here are very
public.) ..Rick]

>> That's why GE is GE.
>> Greg
>> Greg Wang, PhD
>is this a tautol-ogy?
>or being economical with the truth?
>I wonder if any LO'ers currently working in third world (sic) countries
>have any views expressed with 'integrity' to share with us on the actual
>effects of 'globalisation' and 'boundarylessness'?


"Rol Fessenden" <>

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