Accounting and Economics LO27804

From: Don Dwiggins (
Date: 02/10/02

Replying to LO27791 --

Rol Fessenden writes:
> I would be willing to represent the dirty capitalist perspective on third
> world impact of globalization, but if I am going to take a lot of crap for
> trying to present another perspective, then I don't have the energy.

> Rol

> [Host's Note: Rol, I hope you will write... I don't think you'll get a lot
> of crap here. (I do caution, however, that contributions here are very
> public.) ..Rick]

I too hope that you'll give it a go. Given your trepidation, though, I
suggest an exercise: pick one or two of the folks from whom you think you
might get crap, and start out with a private exchange with them; base the
exchange on some of the principles of dialogue in The Fifth Discipline and
the Fieldbook. (Actually, I vaguely remember that there were some
messages here a short time ago on techniques for exploring differences
without trying immediately to resolve them -- maybe Rick can provide the
URLs.) Take it "public" on the list when both (all) sides feel they're
starting to learn something.



Don Dwiggins "The truth will make you free, but first it will make you miserable" -- Tom DeMarco

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