Replying to LO27791 --
Rol Fessenden writes:
> I would be willing to represent the dirty capitalist perspective on third
> world impact of globalization, but if I am going to take a lot of crap for
> trying to present another perspective, then I don't have the energy.
> Rol
> [Host's Note: Rol, I hope you will write... I don't think you'll get a lot
> of crap here. (I do caution, however, that contributions here are very
> public.) ..Rick]
I too hope that you'll give it a go. Given your trepidation, though, I
suggest an exercise: pick one or two of the folks from whom you think you
might get crap, and start out with a private exchange with them; base the
exchange on some of the principles of dialogue in The Fifth Discipline and
the Fieldbook. (Actually, I vaguely remember that there were some
messages here a short time ago on techniques for exploring differences
without trying immediately to resolve them -- maybe Rick can provide the
URLs.) Take it "public" on the list when both (all) sides feel they're
starting to learn something.
--Don Dwiggins "The truth will make you free, but first it will make you miserable" -- Tom DeMarco
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