Replying to LO27809 --
Just thought I'd pop back onto the list and ask the rhetorical question as
to how / why my request for Some Statistics on People and Organizations
has migrated itself nicely into a discussion about the issues of using the
statistics and the philosophy of change but that there have been NO
statistics posted, which was the main theme of my original request!
[Host's Note: Hmm... Scott, I'd say your request did produce one
statistic... Zero/lots for one. That is, no quoted statistics, but
a couple of discussion threads. Generally when you write to the LO list,
something will happen. But, you can't predict what it will be. ..Rick]
So, I thought to post up some interesting stats in the hope that I can
generate some others:
----On productivity and personality ----
According to an Accountemps survey, "executives spend more than 9 weeks
each year, or 18 percent of their work time, resolving personality
clashes between employees"
---- On Teeth ----
The State Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is a state-based,
random telephone survey of the U.S. noninstitutionalized population aged
greater than or equal to 18 years. Participants were asked how many of
their permanent teeth were removed because of tooth decay or gum
disease. Of the 28,979 persons aged greater than or equal to 65 years
who were asked this question, 27,736 (95.7%) responded.
Edentate persons were those who reported having lost ALL their teeth. Data
were aggregated and weighted according to state population estimates. The
prevalence of edentulism among persons aged greater than or equal to 65
years ranged from 13.9% (Hawaii) to 47.9% (West Virginia). In five states
(Arizona, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Wisconsin), less than 20% of
persons were edentate; in three states (Kentucky, Louisiana, and West
Virginia), greater than 40% were edentate. ...grin...
...grin... - get it?
---- On Termination ----
As cited by Effective Workplace Communication (,
the Center for Public Resources did a national survey and found that
"ninety percent of the time people are fired for poor attitudes,
inappropriate behavior, and poor interpersonal skills rather than
because of deficient job skills." 1998
Any global stats on workplace performance that might be useful in a
paper on ownership involvement and commitment?
--For the FUN of It!
Scott Simmerman - "The Square Wheels Guy" Performance Management Company - 800-659-1466 <>
- Tools for Training and Development <> - Scott as Speaker <>
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