Replying to LO27827 --
Dear Organlearners,
Scott Simmerman <> writes:
>Just thought I'd pop back onto the list and ask the
>rhetorical question as to how / why my request for
>Some Statistics on People and Organizations has
>migrated itself nicely into a discussion about the
>issues of using the statistics and the philosophy of
>change but that there have been NO statistics posted,
>which was the main theme of my original request!
Greetings dear Scot,
Here are some stats why your request fell on deaf ears. As you will see,
it is just not done on internet. It is a taboo!
I have used Google's advanced search engine and began to look for how many
hits the name Scott will give -- 12+ million! So I began to prune the hits
by adding keyword for key word to it as shown. Finally I put in the second
window (exact phrase) the the requirement "statistical detail".
Scott -- 12 400 000
Scott fun -- 1 070 000
Scott fun statistics -- 73 200
Scott fun statistics people -- 46 900
Scott fun statistics people organisations --1 630
Scott fun statistics people organisations "statistical detail" 2.
You are lucky to get so many hits -- 2 to be precise. It shows what one
can do with stats! ... grin ...
Even here the 2 hits are wrong since if the word "fundamental" is
hyphenated into "fun-damental", Google's spiders will pick up the fun as
"fun" and not as "fundamental". So much for stats.
With care and best wishes,
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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