Replying to LO27828 --
I came across this book
"Rethinking the Fifth Discipline: Learning Within the Unknowable" by
Robert Louis Flood
I haven't read it myself - only flipped thru the pages at my local
Borders, but the synopsis from is as follows :
"Written in a clear and straightforward manner, Rethinking the Fifth
Discipline makes significant and fundamental improvements to the core
discipline of systemic thinking. It establishes crucial developments in
the context of the learning organization, including creativity and
organizational transformation. Key features include a review and critique
of "Fifth Discipline" and systemic thinking, an introduction to the gurus
(Senge, Bertalanffy, Beer, Ackoff, Checkland, and Churchman), a
redefinition of management, a guide to choosing, implementing, and
evaluating improvement strategies, and practical illustrations".
--- James S L Yong
NCS Pte Ltd
--Yong Shoon Loi James Patrick NCS <>
[Host's Note: In assoc with, this link...
Rethinking the Fifth Discipline: Learning Within the Unknowable by Robert Louis Flood $90 (!!)
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