Replying to LO27854 --
Dear Learners and Dear Michael,
"I am unaware of the source of the information (referenced to Andrew),
that 4/5 of all people live on less than $2 US a day. That is not true of
the places that I have worked and visited as I traveled all over the
You picked me up on some figures...I am guilty of overestimation in the first
degree as charged;-) but...
The source was World Bank report: 3 billion people live on less than $2 a
day, two billion of them on less than $1.
Does anyone know what the current world population guess is 5
Here is something perhaps closer to home, the net worth of Messrs Warren
Buffett, Bill Gates and Paul Allen is greater than that of the forty one
poorest nations on earth which is half a billion people. The wealthiest
one hundred (my guestimate...anyone with better sources may please
advise;-)... any Arthur Andersen creative accountants out there;-)))))))
have a "staggering 8 trillion dollars stashed away in tax havens." Refs.
IMF. Also Douglas Farah Washingtom Post National Weekly Review Oct 18th
1999 Alan Wowell and Edmund Andrews New York Times Sept. 24th 1999
I am reminded of an old widow I once knew, her son went to Oxford
University, Balliol College ...and we spent;-) many happy hours talking
about the human happiness afforded when she and her farm labourer husband
saw what they had achieved by his scholarship, she died a long time ago.
Dear Ivy, I still have the book you gave me. I still read it and your
son's name is still there. I think your income then was about twenty
pounds a week. But you never spared the biscuits, or the coffee.
When (for example) a Forbes 400 personality ;-) gives away;-) (oh really?)
a million dollars to caritas how much would an average bloke need to give
away to match the caritas ...dollar for dollar... so to say? ....$60.00
SIXTY DOLLARS. So if you, Mr or Mrs average American give $60.00 to any
cause then to match it a millionaire in that (Forbes 400) bracket must
give a million dollars to become your equal.
I am hopeless at sums;-) I seem to use them for all the wrong reasons.
Michael ....and all of you.... please forgive me. When I was young I could
not go to art school because here in the developed part of the the world I
live and was brought up you need a preliminary qualification on rote
mathematics. I did not have one, so I could not become three, until I was
twenty two, then I started all over again from zero...something like that.
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